
Next Steps – Rough Sleeping and Accommodation During Covid 19 Pandemic & Recovery – Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 18 March 2021

Date of Meeting:

25 March 2021

Report of:

Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law    

Contact Officer:


Mark Wall


01273 291006



Wards Affected:



            For general release



Action Required of Council:

To consider the report and the recommendations from the Policy & Resources and Housing Committees.


(1)     That the Homeless Bill of Rights be adopted (as referred to in the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2020-25) as an aspirational document and as the standard against which the Council and its partners judge its policies and practices and outcomes;


(2)     That a copy of the resolution is signed by the Leader and sent to FEANTSA to mark its commitment to the international movement of solidarity with homeless people;


(3)    That it be agreed to commit to a process of continuous commitment, improvement and engagement to uphold rights of homeless people.



Brighton & Hove City Council


Policy & Resources Committee


4.00pm18 March 2021


Virtual teams meeting




Present:   Councillor Mac Cafferty (Chair) Druitt (Joint Deputy Chair), Gibson (Joint Deputy Chair), Platts (Opposition Spokesperson), Allcock, Clare, Miller, Simson, Wilkinson and Yates.

Also present:  Dr Anusree Biswas Sasidharan, Standing Invitee.









160.1      The Committee considered an extract from the proceedings of the Housing Committee meeting held on the 17 March 2021, together with a report of the Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities, concerning the next steps to tackle rough sleeping and provide accommodation during the pandemic and recovery from it. The report also provided an update on the cold weather & protect funding, severe weather emergency protocol, government rough sleeping snapshot and the Homeless Bill of Rights.


160.2      The Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities noted that an amendment to the recommendations had been passed at the Housing Committee meeting the night before and was detailed in the extract from the proceedings.


160.3      Members of the committee welcomed the report and sought clarification on various points including the next round of government bidding for Housing First and the projections for future homelessness figures, use of emergency accommodation outside of the city and the maximum level of accommodation that was available in the city to meet homelessness figures. Members also thanked officers for the report and the work that had been undertaken to date.


160.4      The Assistant Director, Housing stated that it was hoped to reduce the use of emergency accommodation with the use of the ‘move-on’ process and reconnection for rough sleepers. It was also hoped to provide more council owned emergency accommodation in the city. He also offered to provide further information in writing to the committee Members.


160.5      Dr Sasidharan noted the recent court judgement and there being no recourse to public funds and asked what assistance would be made available to rough sleepers.


160.6      The Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities stated that it was a very complex situation and officers were currently looking at the implications and what could be done to assist people.


160.7      Councillor Gibson noted the amendment to the recommendations that had been agreed at the Housing Committee and stated that he hoped the full Council would support the aspiration to meet the Homeless Bill of Rights commitment.


160.8      The Chair thanked everyone for their comments and then put the recommendations to the vote.


160.9      RESOLVED:


(1)      That the Executive Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities be granted delegated authority to secure accommodation up to the 31st October 2021, by entering into contracts to extend existing arrangements or alternative arrangements where necessary to extend the provision of shorter-term/interim accommodation acquired in response to the Covid 19 pandemic, including a building to deliver the No Second Night Out service up to the beginning of October 2021;


(2)      That it be agreed to continue to support people in the accommodation secured as para 2.9 which includes security, support and food where necessary estimated to cost £2.900m to 1st October 2021 and


(3)      That it be noted that if Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) funding is not available, this could create a service pressure of £2.043m.




(1)      That the Homeless Bill of Rights (as referred to in the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2020-25) be adopted as an aspirational document and as the standard against which the Council and its partners judge its policies and practices and outcomes


(2)      That a copy of this resolution is signed by the Leader and sent to FEANTSA to mark its commitment to the international movement of solidarity with homeless people; and


(3)      That the full Council agrees to commit to a process of continuous commitment, improvement and engagement to uphold rights of homeless people.